CashOn 推全港首個數字貨幣借貸配對平台 估值達千萬美元 配對財務公司借取現金 靈活安排虛擬資產
CashOn 推全港首個數字貨幣借貸配對平台 估值達千萬美元 配對財務公司借取現金 靈活安排虛擬資產

CashOn剛與區議員黎榮浩 - 華潤科學技術研究院公共關係高級總監,和區議員葉文斌 - 太平洋咖啡Pacific Coffee(香港及海外)董事及副總經理見面,深入探討Web3消費金融模式及數字貨幣在零售業界的發展現狀和未來前景。

CashOn與無錫惠山(深圳)創新中心簽署戰略合作備忘錄 共同推動大灣區數字經濟發展

會見工商及創新科技事務委員會 - 立法會議員劉國勳

會見工商及創新科技事務委員會 - 立法會議員邵家輝
CashOn 有幸與立法會議員邵家輝議員舉行了一次重要的會議。在會議中,我們介紹了 CashOn 的業務願景,並探討如何與政府政策有效對接,以實現業務的最佳增長。邵議員表現出高度的專業態度,耐心地聆聽我們的見解,並提供了具有建設性的建議。

CashOn 受邀參觀無錫市惠山數字經濟創新產業園區,探索合作機會

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Yahoo! Finance: CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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CashOn与无锡惠山(深圳)创新中心签署战略合作备忘录 创新中心投资90亿元支援企业 推动科技项目落户惠山。香港首家数字货币借贷配对平台CashOn今日宣布,与无锡惠山(深圳)创新中心签署战略合作备忘录。双方将携手在大湾区探索和发展基于CashOn创新金融科技平台的数字货...
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CashOn与无锡惠山(深圳)创新中心签署战略合作备忘录 香港首家数字货币借贷配对平台CashOn今日宣布,与无锡惠山(深圳)创新中心签署战略合作备忘录。双方将携手在大湾区探索和发展基于CashOn创新金融科技平台的数字货币借贷配对服务,旨在共同推动数字经济的科技创新...
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CashOn夥內企推動灣區數字經濟發展 | 香港文匯報訊 香港數字貨幣借貸配對平台CashOn本周一宣布,與無錫惠山(深圳)創新中心簽署戰略合作備忘錄。雙方將攜手在大灣區探索和發展基於CashOn創新金融科技平台的數字貨幣借貸配對服務,旨在共同推動數字經濟的科技創新與產業...
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CashOn Signs Strategic Cooperation Memorandum with Wuxi Huishan (Shenzhen) Innovation Center to Promote Digital Economy Development in the Greater Bay Area. Innovation Center Invests RMB 9 Billion to Support Enterprises and Drive Technological Projec...
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Reported by malaymail
CashOn Signs Strategic Cooperation Memorandum with Wuxi Huishan (Shenzhen) Innovation Center to Promote Digital Economy Development in the Greater Bay Area. Innovation Center Invests RMB 9 Billion to Support Enterprises and Drive Technological Projec...
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<匯港通訊> 香港首家數字貨幣借貸配對平台CashOn今日宣布,與無錫惠山(深圳)創新中心簽署戰略合作備忘錄。雙方將攜手在大灣區探索和發展基於CashOn創新金融科技平台的數字貨幣借貸配對服務,旨在共同推動數字經濟的科技創新與產業發展。
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香港文匯報訊 (記者 曾業俊)科技金融公司CashOn宣布推出香港首個數字貨幣借貸配對平台,助客戶以數字貨幣借取現金,尋找及比對多間財務公司的報價,提供合適借貸方案,提高數字貨幣與法幣之間的流動性。
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etnet 經濟通報道
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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TNGlobal 報道
CashOn, a technology finance company focused on fintech and Web3 applications, has announced the launch of Hong Kong’s first digital currency lending matching platform.
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Reported by Asian Banking and Finance
CashOn launches digital currency lending matching platform in Hong Kong
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Reported by AP News from USA
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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PaySpace Magazine Global 報道
CashOn Launches Digital Currency Lending Matching Platform Hong Kong DeFi company CashOn launched an innovative lending platform that helps customers access cash liquidity by using digital currencies.
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Reported by The Insiders Business News
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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Reported by European Business Magazine
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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Reported by haps from South Korea
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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Reported by Money FM 89.3 from Singapore
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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Reported by Weekender from Singapore
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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Reported by middle east reporter ZAWYA
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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Reported by WhaTech from Australia
CashOn Launches Hong Kong’s First Digital Currency Lending Platform, Valued at US$10 Million, Matching Borrowers with Financial Institutions for Fiat Currency Financing
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Reported by AP News from USA
CashOn Signs Strategic Cooperation Memorandum with Wuxi Huishan (Shenzhen) Innovation Center to Promote Digital Economy Development in the Greater Bay Area
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Reported by Asian Banking and Finance
CashOn to explore digital currency lending matching services. It signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with Wuxi Huishan (Shenzhen) Innovation Center.
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